Can I ask for a refund of city council taxes?

Every city council is responsible for the amount of their council taxes and charges. How much taxes and charges you need to pay is subject to change when you move to a different region. If you have paid your taxes a year in advance, you have paid too much for a period of time. Do you get a refund for this and how can you arrange this? You can read it here.

What are council taxes?

There are a number of taxes a city council may charge you. The most common taxes are:

  • Waste taxes
  • Dog taxes
  • ‘Ontroerende zaak belasting’ (OZB)


Apart from these, the city council may also charge an inclusion fee, commuter tax, tourist tax, parking tax, commercial tax, ‘precario’ taxes, cleaning tax, or graveside maintenance fees.


How much taxes do you have to pay?

The amount of taxes you have to pay is set yearly by your local council. At the start of the new year, you will receive a combined tax form. On this form you will find all the taxes you need to pay. You can choose to pay in one go or to pay in instalments. When you have paid the yearly taxes in advance, and you are moving house later that year, you can ask for a refund.


Reduction of council taxes with a removal

When you do not live in the same council for an entire calendar year, your taxes will be reduced or refunded. This is based on the amount of months you did not live at your old address. The date of registration in your new region is used for this purpose. Let us say that you registered with your new city council on 13 March, then you are eligible for a refund for the months April-December.


Arranging the refund of council taxes

Every council also has their own way of refunding the excess of taxes you have paid. Sometimes this happens automatically, other times you have to request this in person. Look at the website of your old city council to see how you can request for a refund. Mind you: the ‘OZB’ never overlaps and you cannot request a refund for this. On 1 January the OZB is surveyed and it is set for the remainder of the year. In your new city council you will start paying for the OZB in the new year.


When you move to a different region, you will need to arrange a lot of additional matters. It will take away a lot of stress if you leave the removal to a professional moving company. Please ask us for our services and prices!

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