Our mission and subsequently our vision is that we want to be the best moving company in the Groningen region. We have been working on this since Jan de Jong started a courier service from Noordhorn to Groningen in 1903 by dog cart. He served Noordhorn, Zuidhorn and Aduard. Eventually dog and cart were replaced by horse and wagon. In the thirties of the last century Jan purchased his first T-Ford with a closed cargo box and a rack on top.
Since then of course a lot has changed, but the most important thing has remained the same. With passion for our profession, our customers and employees at heart as well as eyes and ears for our environment, we strive day in and day out to be the best moving company in our province. Sustainability is such an important pillar for us, we are assisted in this matter by a university-trained sustainability advisor.
Sindsdien is er uiteraard het nodige veranderd, maar het belangrijkste is hetzelfde gebleven. Met passie voor ons vak, hart voor onze klanten en medewerkers en met oog en oor voor onze omgeving, streven we er dag in dag uit naar het beste verhuisbedrijf in onze provincie te zijn. Daarbij is duurzaamheid voor ons een dusdanig belangrijke pijler dat we ons op dat gebied laten bijstaan door een universitair geschoolde duurzaamheidsadviseur.
Jan de Jong Verhuizingen is in 2012 gestart met het actief terugdringen van de CO2-uitstoot. In overleg met onze adviseur Wim Ubachs hebben we een ambitieus duurzaamheidsplan opgesteld. We toetsen elk jaar of we de gestelde doelen hebben bereikt en benoemen vervolgens nieuwe doelen voor het volgende jaar. Dit plan bestaat uit 7 duurzaamheidsdoeleinden.
In 2012 Jan de Jong Movers started an active reduction of CO2 emissions. In consultation with our advisor Wim Ubachs, we have drawn up an ambitious sustainability plan. Annually we test whether we have achieved these set goals and set new goals for the following year. This plan consists of 7 sustainability goals.
In recent years, we have replaced a large part of our fleet with moving trucks and vans that meet the Euro-6 standard. With 2025 in prospect, we are focusing on emission-free transport such as transport based on hydrogen or electricity. Our goal is to purchase a Zero Emission moving van before then to transport emission-free as soon as possible.
We have 3 electric (delivery) vans and also use bicycle couriers for less extensive logistic assignments. For regular and project moves within the municipality of Groningen, we deploy employees who can go to the location by bicycle where possible.
By bundling regular moves, the municipality of Groningen is setting a good example of how things can be done more sustainably. This gives us the opportunity to plan moving orders in a bundled manner. By making a thorough inventory, we ensure a sustainable logistics plan for every move; regular as well as project-based. If we deliver packaged items, we will take back the packaging materials straight away. If it is possible to combine journeys by coordinating the desired delivery dates, we will contact you to discuss this.
There are several ways to reduce the number of transport movements. The first is written above; bundling of goods and return products. The second way is to choose the most sustainable route instead of the fastest route. For example, a sustainable route means avoiding rush hour (we always plan our first journey before the morning rush hour) and traffic jams. This way we prevent unnecessary emissions due to traffic congestions. Because Jan de Jong knows the region through and through, we know exactly at what times to avoid which routes in order to guarantee the most sustainable transport possible. We also use the smart route planner from TLN (Transport & Logistics Netherlands) for routes outside the region and in Europe.
A third way in which we reduce transport movements is by clearly discussing when we will be at which location and what we expect from the customer at that time. If the receiver is not in the right place at the right time, this has a negative effect on the route and planning.
For project-based moves and for locations where moves take place regularly, we supply moving materials at the location in question. This way we avoid driving up and down unnecessarily with large vehicles. Thus we can send some of the employees by bicycle.
A fifth way in which we can reduce transport movements is by working closely with our clients. Our facilities are centrally located, which means that employees have shorter travel times and we are always relatively close to our customers. As a result, we use less fuel.
Zo voorkomen we onnodige uitstoot door stilstand of stapvoets rijden. Omdat Jan de Jong de regio door en door kent, weten we precies op welke tijdstippen we welke routes moeten vermijden om een zo duurzaam mogelijk transport te garanderen. Bovendien gebruiken we voor routes buiten de regio en in Europa de slimme routeplanner van TLN (Transport & Logistiek Nederland).
Een derde manier waarmee we transportbewegingen reduceren is door duidelijk met de klant te overleggen wanneer we op welke locatie zijn en wat we op dat moment van de klant verwachten. Is de ontvanger niet op het juiste tijdstip op de juiste plek, dan heeft dat een negatief effect op de route en de planning.
Voor projectmatige verhuizingen en voor locaties waar regelmatig verhuisd wordt, stellen we verhuismaterialen beschikbaar op de betreffende locatie. Zo voorkomen we dat we onnodig vaak op en neer rijden met grote wagens. We kunnen dan een deel van de medewerkers op de fiets laten komen.
Een vijfde manier waarop we transportbewegingen kunnen reduceren, is door goed samen te werken met onze opdrachtgevers. Onze locaties hebben een centrale ligging waardoor medewerkers een kortere reistijd hebben en we altijd relatief dichtbij onze klant zitten. Daardoor hoeven we minder brandstof te verbruiken.
Jan de Jong reduces it’s natural gas and energy consumption by investing in new sustainable buildings and by re-using existing buildings. Our newest building (completed on 01-01-2022) at Rode Haan is gasless and will be completely climate neutral by the end of 2023. Solar panels in combination with heating pumps provide the required energy. All our storage unit locations are designed as economically as possible and are equipped with LED lighting. This resulted in a saving of 35% on energy consumption per location.
In addition to the efforts mentioned above, we also reduce our carbon footprint in other ways.
As a Recognized Mover, we have been compensating the average emissions (0.3 tons of CO2) for every consumer move since 2010 with Gold Standard CO2 projects. Jan de Jong was one of the first moving companies in the Netherlands to implement this.
Since 2012, we have been purchasing our fuel from Shell on a CO2-compensated basis by paying a contribution on top of the fuel price. The Climate Neutral Group invests this contribution in certified sustainable energy projects that commits to the climate, but also to the prosperity and well-being of the local population.
We often hear that business clients want to reduce their current amount of stored (office) furniture. We can support you with this together with our partners. During the transfer of the currently stored office furniture to our location(s), we carry out a detailed inspection of all items together with your facility manager(s). Items of which you indicate that you do not want to reuse, are eligible for one of the options below that are known in the circular economy.
Jan de Jong works with circular reusable plastic packaging that we rent from Roldorent. We are the depot holder for this packaging for the three northern provinces. This means that we have a large stock at our location in Groningen. This way this packaging is always available for orders from our customers. The plastic packaging lasts at least 60 times longer than regular moving boxes. If the plastic packaging is no longer usable due to aging or damage, it is recycled into new boxes.
Our company is one of the front runners in Groningen in regards to city distribution. From 2025, companies may only supply goods to the city centre using electric vehicles. This is why we started StadLogistiek; an initiative that enables us to tranship goods emission-free for various partners in our own logistics centre. We store delivered goods in bulk and deliver them in phases without emissions to companies or projects in the city centre.
As an important interlocutor for the Municipality of Groningen, our organization is involved in many sustainability initiatives in the region. For example, we help to stimulate organizations in our region, in the field of sustainability, such as a central city distribution and the “Room for Zero Emission City Logistics” plan.
Our company is one of the frontrunners in Groningen in regards to sustainable city distribution. This initiative focuses on the logistics flow and sustainability developments in the city of Groningen. This offers us the opportunity to conduct sustainable businesses effectively and purposefully. The city of Groningen intends to close the city off to fossil fuel vehicles by 2025. From then on, freight may only be delivered by electric vehicles.
This is why we started StadLogistiek in Groningen, where we collect goods for various partners at our logistics center. We are doing this initiative together with GoFast Fietskoeriers (bike couriers). The hub has already proven itself with great projects for the Forum, Ship from store for Rituals, renovation of NH Hotel Groningen and the Municipality of Groningen. This way, our management discovers what is appropriate for the city, but this also serves as a feasibility study for local entrepreneurs. We contribute to all sustainable urban distributions.
We also see new developments in logistics, nationally and locally. We like to stay up to date of new trends and are constantly on the lookout to see how we can best serve our customers. This includes Wave picking management and Warehouse management. For example, we offer the possibility to have your warehouse managed by StadLogistiek in our hub.
Social involvement is becoming increasingly more important to our society. Jan de Jong is also working on this in various way. First of all, we make internships available for students with an administrative or logistics education at MBO or HBO level. We also have a continuous flow of trainees within our organization for the driver's profession. It is also possible to conduct research into various logistical/economic issues that contribute to the optimization of our services.
We have a good link with organizations such as the Groningen Challenge and WerkPro. For example, we help these organizations by supplying inventory donated by business customers pro bono. We take care of the transport, so that the inventory ends up in a good place and is not just regarded as landfill.
As a Recognized Mover, we support “De Verhuisfamilie” (The Moving Family). The moving family supports people who are unable to carry out or arrange a move independently. We help people who themselves have an insufficient social network, experience a limitation in health (physical, psychological and/or mental), or lack financial resources. Volunteers help with packing and unpacking whilst the mover takes care of the actual move. This is how we like to contribute. Not only because of our social involvement within Jan de Jong Verhuizingen, but also because of personal motives from our management.
Like many other organisations, we support the government's desire to offer suitable jobs to people with distance to the labour market. This way everyone can participate in society as much as possible and keep a view on an outlook to work and income. At Jan de Jong we believe that everyone is entitled to this, so that no one has to stand on the sideline! We offer spots for candidates from the WWB, SW and Wajong.
In line with our organization and business operations, Jan de Jong's policy principles focuses on the deployment of candidates. If it is not possible to deploy candidates from these target groups, we look at the alternatives within other target groups and it’s possibilities. We think about inserting candidates from other target groups, for example a WWB candidate and a student or a candidate from the WW. We offer this target group the opportunity to follow a training to becoming a project mover.
The candidates follow a study and get assigned a buddy within Jan de Jong who will guide them through their training and help them gain work experience. In addition, an internal job coach will be available to help these candidates with all kinds of questions they encounter during the training or the performance of their duties. This way we increase involvement and reduce absenteeism.
Erik is happy to help with all your questions about your upcoming moveis happy to help you.
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