I am moving house. What do I have to take care of?

There is a lot that needs to be taken care of when moving house. The most important aspect is the sale of the old house. Have you found a buyer and did you agree on a price? Congratulations! You can read the next steps here.

Negotiate the draft contract

Your house has been sold, so pop the champagne! Or maybe not? It is wise to wait with popping the champagne until the sale has officially been dealt with. The first step is to negotiate the draft contract. In this contract you record the agreements between you and the buyer. This includes the length of time between exchange and completion, and the conditions. Often, the draft contract is included in the services of a real estate agent. Sometimes, a specialised advisor is asked to help. You can also opt to ask a solicitor yourself. The solicitor is specialised in the legal side of the sale of a house and acts independently and unbiased. The solicitor can fully inform both you and the buyer. This may be worth your while seeing the amount of money that is involved in selling a house!


Waiting Period of the buyer

With the sale of a house, the buyer always gets a three-day waiting period. This term starts the moment the buyer and the seller have exchanged signed contracts. During these three days, the buyer can opt out of the contract without having to provide a reason. Apart from this, the sale can also be cancelled due to the conditions. The condition is most often used is the financing condition. A structural survey can also be a condition. In the contract, a term is set for these conditions. This is usually around six weeks. If, for example, a buyer cannot manage to get a mortgage for the house, he or she can opt out of the contract within these six weeks.


Arranging your own mortgage

While the buyer is busy getting a mortgage, it is a good opportunity for you to have a look at your own mortgage. Are you taking the mortgage with you to your next home or are you getting a new mortgage? Is there a mortgage debt, and, if so, what are you going to do about that? It is possible to take this mortgage debt with you and refinance this with your new mortgage. Or perhaps it is possible to settle the mortgage debt with your savings. An independent mortgage advisor can help you with making the best decision for you.


Transfer of the house

Has the waiting period ended and has the buyer managed to get a mortgage? Then it is time for the last step: the transfer. During the official transfer of your house, you will survey the house with the buyer one last time. If everything is as agreed on, you can go to the solicitor together. Here, you will exchange contracts. Finally, you hand over your keys to the new owner. The sale is final. Champagne!


Planning your removal

It is clear: with a removal to a new home a lot needs to be taken care of. To arrange for a smooth transition to the new home, a good planning is essential. This way, you can also make sure you keep the double expenses of two houses to a minimum. By keeping the handing over of the keys just before the removal, you will not have to deal with the boxes for long but you do have enough time to leave your old place in a clean state. We are ready to assist you in organising your removal as quickly as possible!

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